IELTS full form stands for the International English Language Testing System. It is an English language ability exam, which evaluates a candidate’s ability to converse in the English language across all four essential modules: speaking, writing, reading, and listening.

It is managed by three essential organizations: the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL), the British Council IELTS and IDP IELTS Australia. 

There are Two Types of the IELTS Exam:

  1. Academic:

The IELTS Academic test is suitable for entry to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels, and also for professional registration purposes. It assesses whether you are ready to begin studying or training in an environment where English language is used, and reflects some of the features of language used in academic study.

  1. General Training:

The IELTS Academic test is suitable for entry to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels, and also for professional registration purposes. It assesses whether you are ready to begin studying or training in an environment where English language is used, and reflects some of the features of language used in academic study.

International English Language Testing System

Computer-Based IELTS:

The Computer-based IELTS, as the name suggests, is IELTS taken on the computer instead of the pen and paper test, which is traditionally associated with the IELTS. The structure, patterns and questions remain the same as the pen and paper version. Even how you book for the IELTS test is unchanged.

IELTS used to conduct computer-based tests in 2016 for the students willing to study in the UK. However, both the British Council and IDP have introduced Computer-based tests for all the students. The most beneficial part of the Computer Delivered IELTS is, the results are declared in 5 to 7 days. The students can choose the time they are convenient with, and there are more test dates for the Computer Based IELTS tests. 

IELTS Eligibility:

There are no strict eligibility criteria for IELTS exam as such. Candidates who are willing to prove their English language proficiency for any cause can appear for IELTS. However, it is not recommended for children under the age of 16.

IELTS Syllabus:

There are four modules of IELTS exam, as with many language tests. The test consists of Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. The test seeks to assess the proficiency of test-takers in these various aspects of the language including sentence structures, grammar, vocabulary and the general usage of the language. Here is everything you need to know: 

IELTS Preparation:

To prepare for IELTS, one needs to work on their vocabulary and grammar the most. However, there are many aspects of a language that one needs to understand before even reaching the intermediate level. There is a number of IELTS materials available on various websites, Here, you can find the detailed information on preparing for the IELTS exam

IELTS Exam Fees:

The IELTS fees vary with the location and country one resides in. The fees may vary around $170 - $180. There are also fees for rescheduling or cancellation that one needs to be aware of.

IELTS Exam Dates:

There is no fixed exam for the IELTS test. The candidate has to choose his or her nearest test centre countries and your test provider you are going with (British Council, IDP or Cambridge).

You must be prepared well for your IELTS, as it is not an easy task to clear the exam. don't worry much for your test day,

IELTS Registration:

There is a step by step process to be followed to book for an IELTS exam that candidates will have to follow. The registration will also help you later with your scores, appointments and refunds if there are any.

IELTS Test Type & Fee


Test type Fee
IELTS Academic & General Training BDT 17,500
IELTS for UK Visas & Immigration (Academic & General Training) BDT 19,700
IELTS Life Skills (A1 and B1) BDT 13,100

N.B. fee may vary based on British Council fees.